
Preventing Opioid Overdose: Focus on Fentanyl

在科罗拉多州每4小时45分9秒就有一起致命的药物过量. As a state, we have lost nearly 18,000 people to overdose since 2000. 通过教育 皇冠app安卓下载安装如何减少阿片类药物过量的风险,你正在帮助培养 重视和支持社区健康和安全的协作文化 熊.


使用下面的按钮进行简短的虚拟培训,并订购免费的纳洛酮 还有芬太尼试纸.
Take a look at our Overdose Prevention trainings below.

过量预防培训对所有学生、教师和工作人员开放. 如果你 对您所在部门或组织的纳洛酮培训感兴趣,您可以提出要求 下图:



芬太尼是一种强效的合成阿片类药物,与吗啡类似,但浓度在50到100之间 威力倍增. Synthetic opioids, including fentanyl, are now the most common drugs involved in drug overdose deaths in the United States.

Fentanyl may be more common than you think.

根据美国.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), 42% of all counterfeit pills tested contained a potentially lethal dose 芬太尼的. 致命剂量的芬太尼 可以少到2毫克,这取决于一个人的体型、耐受性和过去的使用情况——那是多少 a fraction of raindrop or a few grains of salt. 

photo of lethal dose 芬太尼的 on a USA penny


芬太尼可以在非处方药中找到除了 一家药店. Drug traffickers often mix fentanyl into other drugs because it’s cheaper 用芬太尼制造快感. Fentanyl can take the form of a powder, a capsule, 或者可以压成看起来像处方阿片类药物的假药, such as oxycodone (Oxycontin®, Percocet®) and hydrocodone (Vicodin®); alprazolam (Xanax®); or stimulants like amphetamines (Adderall®).  你还能在哪里找到芬太尼?

  • Fentanyl is sometimes mixed in with heroin but is much more potent.
  • 冰毒和可卡因有时会加入芬太尼以降低生产成本.
  • 许多毒品供应商将芬太尼与冰毒或奥施康定混合,然后加入红色、黄色或蓝色 food coloring to form a pill sold as MDMA, or ecstasy.

因此,吸毒者很容易在不知情的情况下摄入致命剂量 芬太尼的.


左边的蓝色药片的照片上刻有一个真正的药片生产商的标记. 一条红线. Then pills with almost the exact same engravings but are counterfeit. 资料来源:DEA (http://www).dea.gov / onepill)



Fentanyl test strips can detect the presence 芬太尼的. 然而,这很重要 要知道 a negative result does not mean there is no fentanyl present. 例如,芬太尼可能存在于药丸的未测试区域,或者药丸可能含有 一种不同的合成阿片类药物. To be effective, fentanyl test strips need to be used in accordance with directions such as 这些


Save a life: How to respond to an overdose 

阿片类药物过量会危及生命,需要立即紧急处理. 这是 重要的是要知道,药物过量的迹象是不同的取决于物质 用户摄取. 当有人服用过量时,这并不总是很明显,这是一个常见的误解 一个人必须处于明显的无意识状态或者处于严重的痛苦中才会有吗 overdose, but that’s not always the case.

记住: 对于一个人来说,没有必要表现出所列出的所有症状都是过量服用的表现 even one symptom could be a sign of an overdose.

  • 如果你怀疑某人正在经历阿片类药物过量,立即考虑 以下行动可以拯救他们的生命:
    • If you are on-campus, call UNC Police Department at 970-351-2245 to engage first responders for medical support. 如果你不在学校,打电话 911.
    • 如果有的话给纳洛酮. Spray Narcan® Nasal Spray into one nostril or inject intramuscular 烯丙羟吗啡酮 into the upper arm or thigh.
    • 如果病人没有呼吸,进行人工呼吸(人工呼吸)或心肺复苏术 知道如何.
    • Wait two minutes for the person to respond. Continue rescue breathing (or CPR if you 训练). If the person does not respond after two minutes, give a second dose 纳洛酮的.
    • 让伤者侧身躺下,保持救援姿势,这样他们就不会窒息 呕吐物.
    • 等待救援.

What you should know about Naloxone (Narcan®) 


  • Naloxone is the generic name for Narcan®.
  • 纳洛酮(Narcan®)仅对阿片类药物(如海洛因、芬太尼和处方药)有效 painkillers) but is safe to use, even if opioids aren’t present.
  • 任何需要纳洛酮的人都可以在参与的药店获得,而无需处方. 这包括有过量用药风险的人和可能看到其他人的人 用药.
  • 纳洛酮有不同的使用方法,可以是鼻腔喷雾剂,也可以是 通过肌内注射.


  • 哪里可以找到纳洛酮(Narcan®)?

    If you or someone you know is at risk of an overdose, get 烯丙羟吗啡酮 now. 很容易 和快速. Over 200 pharmacies in Colorado carry 烯丙羟吗啡酮, available to anyone under 站的订单. 也就是说你今天就能拿到. 向你的药剂师询问纳洛酮 or consult our map to find 一家药店 near you by clicking here. 然后走进参与的药店,要纳洛酮——你不需要处方.  (Note that the pharmacy may need to order the 烯丙羟吗啡酮.)

  • Can I get 烯丙羟吗啡酮 with or without insurance?

    在没有处方保险的情况下,纳洛酮的多步骤治疗费用约为45美元 肌肉注射,多步鼻喷雾剂85美元,单步喷雾150美元 喷鼻剂.  Many insurance companies cover 烯丙羟吗啡酮 with little to no copay. 检查 还有你的健康保险. The pharmacist can also help you choose the most affordable option.

    Narcan® is available by mail at no charge through the 北科罗拉多健康联盟. It is also available at no charge from the 北科罗拉多健康网络 (也被称为NCAP,或北科罗拉多接入点),位于UNC附近 大学:

    807 17th 街D座
    格里利,CO 80631

AED (automatic external defibrillator) unit located across the UNC campus

在紧急情况下,已在每个AED(自动)中放置鼻喷纳洛酮剂量 external defibrillator) unit located across the UNC campus.
在校园紧急情况下,请拨打皇冠app官方版下载警察局电话970-351-2245寻求指导 to an AED near you, and to begin the process of engaging first responders.


Colorado Laws Offer Protection in Cases of Drug Overdose

科罗拉多 911好撒玛利亚人法 规定一个人在下列情况下不受刑事起诉 一个人真诚地向法律报告紧急药物或酒精过量 enforcement officer, to the 911 system, or to a medical provider. 同样的免疫力 适用于留在事件现场直至执法人员到达的人士 或者紧急医疗救援人员到达,或者该人留在设施内 直到执法人员紧急医疗救援人员 或者医疗人员来了. The immunity described above also extends to the person who suffered the emergency drug or alcohol overdose event.

一项相关的科罗拉多州法律(第三方纳洛酮C.R.S. §18-1-712) 允许卫生保健提供者或卫生保健机构以外的人 善意地将纳洛酮给自己相信的另一个人服用 to be suffering an opiate-related drug overdose. The individual who administers 烯丙羟吗啡酮 shall be immune from criminal prosecution for such an act. 这条法律一直被 amended to extend immunity to individuals administering expired 烯丙羟吗啡酮.

最后,芬太尼测试条在科罗拉多州是合法的,确实是合法的 excluded from the definition of drug paraphernalia.


如果你一直在重新考虑你自己的毒品或酒精模式 use, help is available on the UNC Campus.  All community members (students and employees) can access confidential services in our 咨询中心. 学生也可以皇冠app官方版下载健康促进办事处 (formerly 健康促进处) or the 学生健康服务 支持.  If you have any questions about the content of this webpage, we encourage you to contact our 健康促进办事处 by e-mailing HealthPromotion@tjbcsongshui.com.