






If you received a confirmation and you need any adjustments to time, title, presenter 姓名请发邮件 our@tjbcsongshui.com. If you believe you registered and do not receive a confirmation by March 29, please 电子邮件 our@tjbcsongshui.com.


报名截止. 如果你错过了截止日期,还想做报告, 请电子邮件 our@tjbcsongshui.com.  We will add oral 演讲 until 1 week prior and can add posters through Monday 4月8日.


UNC's 学生展览 艺术家与学者, formerly "联合国大学研究日," brings together research, creative and scholarly works for one day of undergraduate and graduate 演讲. 教师海报会议也为教师研究人员提供了机会 向学生展示他们的作品. 学生展示突出了皇冠app官方版下载的承诺 to undergraduate and graduate student research, scholarly and creative endeavors.



Max size of 30-inch width x 40-inch height for displaying on a wall and 20 inches 宽× 20英寸高× 20英寸深,用于在桌面上显示.

Students can showcase their research or creative projects through visual arts displays, which may include paintings, sculptures, photography, digital art, and other visual 媒体. 


These are traditional 演讲 where students present their research findings 或使用PowerPoint幻灯片或其他视觉辅助工具向观众展示项目. 每一个节目主持人 分配给他们12分钟的演讲时间,然后是3分钟的问答时间&一个会话. 将提供一台装有PowerPoint的笔记本电脑.


Scheduled in a series of other oral 演讲 with a 12-minute presentation (to 包括分享现场版本或录制表演)与3分钟Q&A.

This category allows students to present research or creative projects through performances, such as musical performances, theatrical acts, dance routines, spoken word, or other 艺术表达方式. 注意: If live performance is preferred, we encourage students to provide needed musicians, 演员、舞者、读者等. 作为主持人和/或共同主持人作为他们的一部分 提交. 或者,请计划预先录制表演作品,以便它可以 在演示过程中以数字格式共享. 


最大尺寸48" x 48". 学生必须打印自己的海报.  50分钟海报环节.

Poster sessions involve displaying a visual representation of the research project on a large poster including a mixture of text with tables, graphs, and pictures to 以一种视觉上有趣且易于理解的方式呈现你的发现. 这就够了 作为一种工具,在50分钟的海报会议中促进与同事的讨论. Students stand by their posters to discuss their work with conference attendees and 回答问题. 通常包括:标题、作者、摘要、引言、 材料 & 方法、结果、讨论、致谢和参考文献. 




When poster or visual art presenters apply for Student Showcase, they may choose one 下列会话选项之一:


  • 学生、研究生或本科生海报(所有学科)上午9:30 - 11:00
  • 学生、研究生或本科生海报(所有学科)下午12:30 -下午2:00
  • 生物科学学院海报:下午3:30 - 5:00
  • 教师海报会议任何会议


Oral sessions and Performing Art Presentations will be held in the University Center.


Individual oral presenters may select either 15-minute presentation or 30-minute presentation option.


口头会话类型允许远程演示. 检查距离演示 申请表上的方格.  提供缩放链接.

Students may select one of the following time slots, and 研究一天 will group  将演讲分成一小时的相关学科课程.

口语会话 are throughout 的那一天 in the following four 1 hour 15 minute sessions (与皇冠app官方版下载周四的常规课程安排相符):

  • 9:30 -10:45 A场
  • 11:00 - 12:15 B部分
  • 12:30 - 1:45 C会议
  • 2:00 – 3:15 会话D


Faculty members are encouraged to assign course credit/extra credit for students in 参加或参加学生展销会. 学生展示 will be collecting attendee information and can forward attendance information to 需要它的课程. 



  • 你必须有所有学生演讲者和unco的电子邮件地址.edu e-mail address for your faculty sponsor in order to list them 皇冠app安卓下载安装应用程序.
  • Only the "primary" presenter will receive communication e-mails about Student Showcase.
    请 check your 电子邮件 account for the 电子邮件 confirmation from the Student Showcase 哪些将在春假后的那个星期寄出.
  • The faculty sponsor may submit the application for the student presenters (using the faculty tab in Ursa), in which case the faculty member must have all of the bears e-mail addresses for the student presenters in order to list them 皇冠app安卓下载安装应用程序.


  • 摘要或项目描述不得超过300字.
  • Abstracts/project descriptions should include information that is pertinent to a general 观众. 请在开幕词中强调……的重要性 你的项目. 对观众在演讲中将体验到的内容的概述 或在海报上观看可能是合适的.
  • 研究项目摘要 should include  the central purpose of the research or project, a brief discussion of research methodology as applicable, and research conclusions either final or anticipated. 
  • 创意项目描述, rather than a traditional abstract, may be used for visual arts and performing arts 演讲.
  • 申请时必须提交摘要/项目描述. 它是 recommended that you compose your abstract in a separate document, then copy and paste 变成了这个形式. 特殊字符并不总是通过传输.  如果你的抽象/项目 描述有特定的数学符号等.,请以电子邮件发送摘要/项目描述 to our@tjbcsongshui.com 在主题行中显示演示文稿确认号.
  • Do NOT use subheaders, do not include the presenter names, and do not include "key 单词“部分或引文部分与你的摘要/项目描述.  请 将你的摘要保持在一个文本块内.  标题会进入标题槽, 并且不应该在摘要/项目描述中重复. 
  • The title and abstract/project description will be listed exactly as you post them 皇冠app安卓下载安装应用程序. 请在提交之前校对您的标题和摘要.
  • Abstracts/project descriptions will be posted in the downloadable version of the program. 打印的程序将只有标题.


口头报告将在大学中心的房间举行.  你将选择 每节课都是1小时15分钟. 主持人可能会发现 他们被分配的时间与正常安排的课程有冲突.  为了继续 to promote undergraduate research and scholarly work at UNC, the Student Showcase planning team encourages instructors to either reassign classes on Thursday to attend the Student Showcase or to excuse students who are presenting, in the same manner 学生运动员获准参加体育赛事.


Oral 演讲 may be organized for an individual presenter or a panel of presenters. 小组可包括一名教员. 个人演讲者必须是本科生 或皇冠app官方版下载的研究生. 目标社区大学的学生可以申请 现在,以及-请电子邮件 our@tjbcsongshui.com 链接到我们的非皇冠app官方版下载学生申请.


Each presentation is scheduled for 15 minutes as part of a 1 hour 15 minute session 块. You may utilize the time based on your needs, such as 10 minutes for the presentation 5分钟的提问时间. 个人也可以要求30分钟的时间 longer 演讲 or panels, and instructors or groups may request a one-hour time 用于课堂或小组演示. 电子邮件 our@tjbcsongshui.com 你遇到的任何问题或任何特殊需要.


演示者将被允许共享其屏幕以进行演示.  这是推荐的 that Microsoft PowerPoint or similar software is used for the presentation, or you are welcome to read your scholarly paper, such as is common for humanities disciplines.


Posters and creative endeavor displays may include a variety of project types including individual research projects, group research projects, class-based projects, creative works (please include specifications in the "other information" box about your creative works display needs), applied projects, or for faculty-led research with student participation. Poster presenters will be provided with several presentation session options during 的那一天.



  • 36“x 48”大幅打印.
  • Tri-folds can also be accommodated - slim tables will be available for tri-folds.
  • 参见上面的视觉艺术尺寸和规格.  请附上评论 皇冠app安卓下载安装您对视觉艺术展示的需求.

